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Order Form!
Thank you for supporting and listening to Imagination Theater.

1) Fill out the order form below!

2) Please include episode numbers from any catalog guides with your order.    

3) Please check whether you prefer CD or Cassettes.
   Those un-checked will be sent CD's.

4) 1 CD/cassette = $6.99 + $1.00 for S&H = $7.99
    3 CD/cassette = $20.00 + $3.00 for S&H
    1 Set of 52 CD/cassette = $298.00 includes  
(Please always allow $1.00 per CD/cassette with you orders.)
Visa, Master Card, Personal checks and Money orders happily accepted.

5.) Please allow 1 week for order to be processed.
     All orders are sent via regular mail.
     Express delivery available.
6.) Press Send to place your order.
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  Media:    CD       Cassette

Please ship the following episodes of Imagination Theatre

Total Quantity of Episodes     
Credit Card #   Type:   
You may also call us with your credit card information at (800) 229-7234.

1996 Episodes    1997 Episodes   1998 Episodes  1999 Episodes 2000 Episodes
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